Plan and implement specific measures
Concrete Measures for the Execution of the Local Collaborative Innovation Center Project
Organizing Cross-Disciplinary Collaborative Innovation Workshops
Initially, organize workshops to encourage faculty and students to participate, learning collaborative design and co-production methods in team settings. The goal is to foster a cross-disciplinary learning atmosphere that promotes the development of a learning organization. -
Addressing Regional Sustainability and Promoting ESG Practices
Focus on sustainability issues relevant to the Yilan region and introduce corporate ESG concepts and practices. Collaborate with local government agencies, businesses, and community organizations to form collaborative innovation teams. Encourage members of the faculty community to lead students in conducting research or project planning, producing initiatives beneficial to local economic, social, and environmental sustainability. Additionally, encourage students to engage in independent learning and create local collaborative innovation case studies under faculty guidance, participating in case study report competitions organized by the center. -
Showcasing Collaborative Innovation Outcomes
Continue promoting the activities mentioned above, creating tangible results from cross-disciplinary collaborative innovation projects. These outcomes will serve as models for the university’s commitment to social responsibility and industry-academia collaboration. Strengthen connections with local government, businesses, and community networks, hosting project showcase events to establish Fo Guang University as a recognized brand in this field. -
Expanding Collaborative Innovation Across the University
Extend the social practice achievements of the Local Collaborative Innovation Center to foster a collaborative innovation atmosphere across various colleges and departments. Build a university-wide faculty empowerment community that leads students in exploring deeper issues on regional sustainability and corporate ESG strategies. Develop more innovative courses, establishing Fo Guang University as a boundaryless institution that enhances the humanities and social sciences through innovation.